Article archive
Re-build of the the sections
28/05/2012 17:34
I had to re-build the section to not encounter any errors, now the Windows 1.x, 2.x and 3.x sections are complete!
Big updates!
12/05/2012 21:05
the whole sections of Windows 1.x and 2.x are complete! And Windows 3.x is on the way for completion! Stay tuned!
About PC9801 versions
11/05/2012 22:23
I will not put them until I get the right bios roms for QEMU/9821, since it offers greater compability with localized Windows versions as well as MS-DOS versions.
More sections, again
03/04/2012 18:32
The sections of Windows 2000 and Vista are open! But they are far from complete...
More updates
24/03/2012 19:05
I've introduced IBM OS/2, Internet Explorer, IBM PC-DOS with several sections (their version 1.0 at least)
Windows NT begins here!
21/03/2012 17:01
Yep, the Windows NT sections are starting to appear right now! Enjoy!
More sections and the beginning of the OS/2 one
20/03/2012 21:39
I've added sections of the Windows 95 builds and I've also started the OS/2 one (for now, only the Microsoft version)
Windows 3.1 updates
07/03/2012 19:43
I've updated the Windows 3.1x section, now the betas are included!
The OS and Web Gallery has been launched
24/11/2011 10:51
Launched recently, and in alpha stage! :)
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